Check domain extensions

Instantly check all domain name extensions as you type. Our search tool will list every available top level domain.

Search top level domains

Start typing to find available extensions for your domain name

Our domain search tool shows all domain extensions available from the hundreds of possibilities. From .com to .ai, find the best extension and TLD for your website.

Search popular extensions

Instantly see hundreds of extensions available for your domain name. We’ll show the most popular TLDs (extensions) first. If common domain extensions are taken, we’ll suggest creative alternatives to help you stand out.

Extensions by category

Beyond popular extensions, after you type in your domain name we’ll show available extensions grouped by category such as industry, education, and geographic. The more relevant to your website, the better.


485 popular extensions
Choosing the right extension

What makes a good domain extension?

A good extension is crucial for establishing trustworthiness and relevancy with your audience. Here are important factors when choosing an extension for your domain name:

Choose a memorable extension

Generic domains such as .com, .net, .org are easy to remember because they are so popular. Anyone can buy and register them, and it’s perfect for global businesses. That being said, there are now thousands of other TLDs to consider.


Extensions are a great opportunity to tell people what you do. There’s over 50 industry-specific TLDs such as .marketing, .agency, .tech, and much more. Become relevant to your visitors with an on-brand extension.

Make it short

Shorter extensions are easier to type, share, and remember. We recommend chooser shorter domains (2-4 letters) when available, but that’s not always necessary. It’s an art of choosing an extension that both represents your website while also being simple.


These are extensions such as .us or .uk which represent a specific country (e.g. US and UK). However, not all extension you can buy right away. Some regions and countries have specific requirements to buy and register.
Explore available top-level domains

List of available extensions


Suitable for any type of business, widely recognized and versatile.


Ideal for non-profit organizations, charities, and advocacy groups.


Originally intended for network-related businesses, but now used by various industries.


Reserved for educational institutions such as universities and colleges.


Exclusive to government entities and agencies.


For technology forward businesses or agencies using artificial intelligence.


Suitable for informational websites, blogs, and knowledge-based platforms.


Often used as an alternative to .com, suitable for businesses and startups.


Popular among tech startups and companies in the technology industry.


Perfect for e-commerce businesses and online retail stores.


Specifically for mobile apps and application developers.


Ideal for personal websites, portfolios, and blogs.


Geared towards creative professionals, designers, and design-related businesses.


Suitable for marketing agencies, creative agencies, and consulting firms.


Intended for businesses in the travel and tourism industry.

More domain name tools

Instant Domain Search is built to find and secure your domain names quickly. Check out our other tools to find the best domain for your website.


Instant domain checker

Our powerful domain search pulls from all across the web faster than the eye can see. Search results are usually returned in less than 100ms, making it the fastest domain search tool on the internet.

Domain name generator

Get unique and creative domain name suggestions with our AI domain name generator. As you type it will instantly confirm availability and where to buy the domain securely.

Buy domains for sale

Find premium domains for sale to make your website stand out. We'll show available domains for sale, how much they cost, and where to buy them.
Guides & blogs

Learn more from domain experts

Explore more about domains from the fundamentals of buying domains to the technology behind Instant Domain Search.

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How we keep getting faster

To continue providing you with the best domain experience, we have sponsored links to our hosting and registrar partners. These partnerships help us cover the costs of maintaining Instant Domain Search and improve domain results for you.

“Media Guy's pop pick: Instant Domain Search.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Domains for sale

What is a domain extension?

A domain extension is the last part of a domain name, such as .com, .net, or .org. It represents the TLD (top-level domain) that indicates the purpose or location of a website. Popular extensions like .com are suitable for commercial sites, while other TLDs may have specific purposes.

Domains for sale

How can I search for a domain extension?

You can use a TLD search tool to explore available domain extensions. These tools allow you to search by keyword or category and check availability across multiple domain extensions. Some tools also offer a TLD check, which helps you verify if your desired domain is available for registration.

Domains for sale

Can I check all domain extensions at once?

Yes, our tool allows you to see a list of all domain extensions available at once. By entering any domain name, you can see which extensions are available across 600+ options, ensuring that you find the best one for your website.

Domains for sale

How can I find available domain extensions?

You can use an available domain extensions tool to quickly see which domain extensions are still available. This will give you a list of options you can use for your website and allow you to explore different combinations.

Domains for sale

What if the domain name I want is already taken?

If the domain name you want is taken, you can use a TLD checker to see what other extensions are available. For example, if .com is unavailable, you might find that .net, .org, or another domain extension is still an option.