.online domain

Should I Choose .online Domain As My Domain Type?


A domain type is a North Star of your business. It’s often the first landing point where someone arrives when they find you on a search engine. But what, exactly, does a domain type consist of? A domain name generally consists of three parts: www., the name of the site, and the letters that follow the dot. No two domain names can be the same, so you must be creative when choosing one. This creativity is critical because a domain type can help draw customers to you.

What is a TLD?

A TLD is also known as a domain extension. TLDs broadly codify where a business belongs, such as its location or industry. TLDs can enhance your domain and alter how people perceive it. They can also help relay your expertise. You’re most commonly familiar with TLDs such as .com, .net, or .org. While .com has reigned as the most popular TLD choice, less than half of startups today use it. There are more TLD options than ever.

TLDs can be country-specific, such as .uk, organization-specific, like .gov, or identify a company, like .co, a network, like .net, or a university, like .edu. TLDs can amplify a domain name because you can use them to help communicate who your brand is. One way a brand could use creative TLDs is .me, for an artist showcasing their work. A TLD of .design could help speak to a web designer’s expertise, and a company that produces endurance sports could use .win.

What is .online domain?

The ".online" domain is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) in the Domain Name System (DNS) hierarchy. It was introduced in 2015 and is managed by the registry service Radix. ".online" is intended to be a versatile domain extension suitable for various websites. It has gained popularity for its simplicity and broad applicability. It's often used for personal blogs, business websites, online stores, and more.

TLD List

You can view a list of top-level domains here

Some popular options are:

.com (commercial): Perfect for businesses, individuals, and any company aiming to mark their presence on the web for commercial purposes. It is the foremost domain extension, symbolizing commercial endeavors across the internet.
.net (network): Apt for organizations of diverse kinds aspiring to construct an online network. Initially designed for network-centric websites, it has evolved to accommodate a broad spectrum of companies.
.mil (military): Solely designated for U.S. military branches. This domain extension is exclusively reserved for official U.S. military operations and is inaccessible for public use.

What is an SLD?

A second-level domain, also known as an SLD or 2LD, is the word or phrase that comes before the TLD and after the subdomain, www. SLDs function as powerful identifiers for what a brand does, who it is, or who it helps. Usually, the SLD is the most memorable part of a domain.

Here are some examples of second-level domains (SLDs)




How do SLDs and TLDs work together?

Let’s say you are visiting InstantDomainSearch.com. In this case, “Instant Domain Search” is a second-level domain (SLD) arriving before the dot. An SLD and TLD go together like peanut butter and jelly. They depend on one another to work as a whole but can also enhance one another. The correct TLD can help elevate your brand, boost memorability, and increase marketability.

While your brand lives in an SLD, a TLD can enhance it. An SLD allows a brand or project to claim its unique online presence. It is also essential to boosting search engine optimization (SEO), or how quickly your business appears on search engine results. You can utilize keywords central to your business to help drive SEO in your SLD. Let’s take the example of the brand Vegascircus.fun. The keyword “Vegas circus” in the name helps optimize the domain name.

Are TLDs important for SEO?

Like SLDs, TLDs can also bear some weight regarding search engines. You may be able to cram a keyword into the minimal letters of a TLD, but there is a different consideration to consider. Google asserts that general TLDs (gTLDs) do not directly impact how a domain ranks. However, gTLDs, such as .biz, .zip, .review, or .party, are associated with spam pages. Specific TLDs can dissuade potential traffic from clicking on your site out of the assumption that your business is illegitimate. TLDs like .com can boost your brand’s credibility.

A good rule of thumb when choosing your domain type is to ensure it relates to your industry. A tech brand could use .io. A company selling organic cookies could use .co. With country-code TLDs, you could help your business rank through geo-targeting. Country-code TLDs can legitimize your business serving or existing in a particular location.

What is a third-level domain?

A third-level domain, or a subdomain, is a word that comes before your domain name, such as the word “support.” It’s created under a second-level domain to categorize websites, such as blogs or support pages. Depending on your domain name provider, you may see prompts for optional third-level domains. Typically, you won’t have to register a subdomain when you already have registered an SLD. Unlike SLDs and TLDs, third-level domains are not mandatory.

Third-level domains are formatted as follows within a domain name:

\[third-level domain\].\[second-level domain\].\[top-level domain\]

For example, if "blog" is the third-level domain, "example" is the second-level domain, and ".com" is the top-level domain, the domain name would be:


Why choosing the right domain type matters

Choosing the right domain type matters because it’s the first chance, in the digital world, that you have to make an impression on potential customers. You know the saying, “First impressions are everything?” It’s highly applicable when it comes to domains. This impression can build trust when your domain type explains what your business does or what industry or location it exists in. It can also create mistrust if your domain confuses customers by being entirely different than your business.

A solid domain type can help identify you as a brand. This consistent identity can help unify your brand voice, which you can use across your marketing channels. A customer will likely know what a business is based on your domain type. It’s a precious business asset and can help steer customers to you.

Tips for choosing a domain type

  • Make it short
  • Ensure it's easy to pronounce
  • Make it relevant
  • Avoid double letters, which can lead to typos.
  • Avoid words with multiple spellings
  • Don’t include special characters
  • Don’t include numbers
  • Allow your TLD to work for you, not against you.
  • Leave room for your business to grow. Don’t limit yourself to a domain type like .au if you want to expand your services to two countries someday.

Balancing creativity and availability with a domain type

You’ll want to balance creativity and practicality when choosing a domain type. Your exact choice for a domain type might be unavailable when it comes time to register. It helps to have a list of a few domains you might consider when making your final choice. You don’t want to end up with the perfect creative domain, no availability, or a TLD that doesn’t suit your business. Your domain type depends on availability and will help legitimize your business.

Registering your domain name

There are many types of domain names out there waiting to be owned. But before you can do anything with them, you must know which domains are for sale.

Select a domain registrar: Opt for a reputable domain registrar, like GoDaddy.
Run a domain search: Utilize our domain name search tool to verify the availability of your desired domain. You might need to explore variations or use a domain name generator to find an open option.
Pick your domain: Once you confirm availability, decide on your desired domain and complete purchasing. Provide any necessary contact information and pay the domain price. Many registrars offer bundled services, including free web hosting.