Domain name generator

Generate domain name suggestions as you type. Our instant domain generator tool will suggest available domain names for your website.

AI domain generator features

Get instant domain name ideas based on keywords and topics

Our domain generator AI combines and refines words to generate brandable, relevant, and short domain names that truly stand out.

Branded domains

Our AI combines and tweaks words to create brandable domain names that stand out such as short names or alliterations. The more memorable, the better.


We’ll take your keywords and provide domain name suggestions that reflect your niche. Having a domain related to your industry will improve website traffic.

Recommended extensions

Over 1,000+ domain extensions are available, from .com to .org to .ai. We’ll suggest domain name options with various extensions so you can find the best domain name that represents your brand.

Related domain names

As you type, we will share similar domains available, including translations to other languages, synonyms, and related topics. This helps broaden your creativity to exploring more ideas.

More domain name tools

Instant Domain Search is built to find and secure your domain names quickly. Check out our other tools to find the best domain for your website.


Instant domain checker

Our powerful domain search pulls from all across the web faster than the eye can see. Search results are usually returned in less than 100ms, making it the fastest domain search tool on the internet.

Find domain extensions

Explore over 1,600 different available domain extensions. See names and extension options, all together.

Buy domains for sale

Find premium domains for sale to make your website stand out. We'll show available domains for sale, how much they cost, and where to buy them.
Guides & blogs

Learn more from domain experts

Explore more about domains from the fundamentals of buying domains to the technology behind Instant Domain Search.

“Media Guy's pop pick: Instant Domain Search.”